Three of the most common ways of using meridians to enhance health and well-being are acupuncture, acupressure, and Reiki.
In the West, acupuncture and acupressure are the most familiar forms of meridian therapy. Reiki has grown in interest and popularity since it was introduced to the West from Japan after World War II. Each healing method used the meridians, 14 different energy centers of the body, but in different ways.
With acupuncture, thin metal needs are used to balance, stimulate, or adjust the energy within the meridian. With acupressure, a finger, knuckle, or soft but firm object like the eraser at the end of a pencil is used to target each meridian and get the energy to unblock and flow.
Reiki, pronounced RAY-key, means spiritual energy. It is commonly translated as universal life force energy. All meridian therapies try to increase, balance, and move around the ki or qi, (pronounced CHEE), or vital energy that keeps us alive and healthy.
If the qi stops flowing, however, disease, that is, dis-ease, can result. Reiki is commonly called hands-on healing, laying hands on the body in certain positions to balance the meridians.
However, this is not strictly accurate because Level 2 and master reiki practitioners don’t even have to use touch. They can also hover their hands over the meridians and do distance healing.
The meridians
There are two systems of channels or meridians, the primary and the secondary meridians. Reiki mostly focuses on the 12 primary meridians because they affect the internal organs for health and healing, whereas the secondary doesn’t.
There are 12 pairs of primary meridians
1. Lungs
2. Colon
3. Stomach
4. Spleen
5. Heart
6. Intestines
7. Urinary bladder
8. Kidneys
9. Pericardium
10. Gallbladder
11. Liver
12. Triple burner
Warm Regards,
Do you live in Washington State? Would you like a Reiki Session or start a Reiki Circle? Email and write in the subject line, "I would like a Reiki Session", or "I would like to start a Reiki Circle"
Do you live in Washington State? Would you like a Reiki Session or start a Reiki Circle? Email and write in the subject line, "I would like a Reiki Session", or "I would like to start a Reiki Circle"
Jenette became a Reiki Master under the direct lineage of Master Mikao Usui in 2008.
- Licensed & Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant 1995
- Reiki Master 2008
- Life Coach 2018
- Trained in Hypnotherapy & Certified in 2011
- Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional 2019
Jenette became a Reiki Master under the direct lineage of Master Mikao Usui in 2008.
- Licensed & Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant 1995
- Reiki Master 2008
- Life Coach 2018
- Trained in Hypnotherapy & Certified in 2011
- Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional 2019
Need a Stress Relief Reiki Session? Decrease stress and promote wellness in your everyday life. Contact me wherever you are in the world to receive your distant Reiki treatment. Email
Learn How to Write Your Transformational Guided Meditation at a one-day Reiki Retreat.
Learn How to Write Your Transformational Guided Meditation at a one-day Reiki Retreat.
Need stress relief to recalibrate? Join the Vance twins for a day of restoration. Let go of worry so you can move forward with more confidence.
Jenette & her twin sister, Janine (Vance Twins) with Deepak Chopra
At the Reiki Retreat, you will receive:
At the Reiki Retreat, you will receive:
Reiki Attunement
Receive a Reiki Attunement by Reiki Master, Jenette trained under the direct lineage of Master Mikao Usui, the founder of the spiritual practice.
Experience a Reiki Share
You will experience the power of Reiki energy within a Reiki Circle.
A Healing Heart Chakra Meditation
You will be guided through a heart chakra meditation for the purpose of providing peace to your mind, body, and soul.
Learn How to Write a Self-Healing Meditation
Learn how to write a personalized healing meditation from an award winning author, Janine Vance.
A Delicious Meal and Snacks
Do you have food preferences or special dietary needs? No worries! Just let us know and it will be taken care of.
A Perfect Gift for You
This retreat is a perfect gift for your health and well-being. Come get pampered, relax, and learn about Reiki.
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